Where can I buy really cool Mexican shopping/market bags?

More Than Tacos is a great place to buy Mexican shopping bags online. We are a UK based company selling Mexican market bags, reusable shopping bags, funky beach bags, cool gym bags and general stand out fashion bags.

We think you’ll totally love our Bedazzled Mercado Bags which are the ideal funky shopping bag to help you sparkle out from the crowd.

But also Check out our Tianguis Bags which are made from recycled plastic and are perfect for the beach! 

According to the latest gov.uk data, since the introduction of the 5p shopping bag charge in the UK, use if single use shopping bags has reduced by 90%!

Why not get a really unique Mexican mercado market shopping bag instead of one of the many supermarkets bags for life.

Check out our whole range of Mexican market Shopping Bags here.