We are More Than Tacos / Somos More Than Tacos

The dreams you have as a child, if you wish for them really hard, sometimes come true.

We had always known that we wanted to show the world a little bit of México, of how wonderful our country is. México is art, culture, nature. México is passion, it is joy, it is celebration. México is a strong country, with a soul, with a warrior spirit that only those who have visited it or have had the fortune of living in it can understand. To understand México you must live it, you have to walk it and smell it and eat it and drink it. To love México you have to play it, dream it and feel its magic.

More Than Tacos is a little piece of México that we love and respect so much and we hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

And always remember that México and we all are More Than Tacos.

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Los sueños que uno tiene de niño, si se sueñan fuerte y se desean mucho, a veces se hacen realidad.

Desde siempre supimos que queríamos mostrarle al mundo un cachito de México, de lo maravilloso que es nuestro país. México es arte, cultura, naturaleza. México es pasión, es alegría, es fiesta. México es un país fuerte, con alma, con un espíritu guerrero que sólo quién lo ha visitado o ha tenido la fortuna de vivir en él puede entenderlo. Para comprender a México hay que vivirlo, hay que caminarlo y olerlo y comerlo y beberlo. Para amar a México hay que jugarlo, soñarlo y sentir su magia.

More Than Tacos es un pedacito del México que tanto amamos y respetamos y esperamos que lo disfrutes tanto como nosotros.

Y recuerda siempre que México y todos somos More Than Tacos.